Thursday, April 26, 2012

I believe Essay

Brendan Hussey
I believe teaching is meant not just for the teacher to create a single bond with one student but with the ability to touch the life of each student that walks into a classroom. As a student I always had a curiosity of how the teachers thought and responded to other student’s. My first year of high school, my one teacher Mrs.Marseca and I were INTRODUCED. She always took an interest into what I thought and my viewpoints in the class. I found it, in a way, refreshing from the normal ask and answer routine in other classrooms. As the years went on, I had her all 4 years; it was nice in a way. After that first year there was always a smile on her face for me. I felt like I mattered, she took me under her wing to show me that every student has something special. She was molding me differently than everyone else. It made me realize if I were to become a teacher, and how amazing that feeling was that she sought me out and brought me in not only as a student but as a portage. During the 11th grade year of school she asked me to enter a contest for the ability to be accepted into a writers retreat at Adelphi University. Whenever we were working on my poem, the winning poem, she looked at my work in a new light. I would email her during the retreat; within the first email back she said something to me. This would be the most important reason I want to be a teacher in the email it said “I’m so proud to see that your growing so much, you are the type of student that reminds teachers why they teach” I cried in happiness at the fact that I meant that much to her and I made me realize what I believe, what the true goal of teaching is. For every student that walks in the classroom if you can get them to appreciate or blossom in one area that you teach that gives you great success. Teaching is not for those who want to just have one pupil in x amount of years of teaching to become their portage, the all -star. Teaching is not meant for the summers off or the ability to be able to call yourself an educator. It is for the pride of having a connection with students, that you both feed off of and grow individually from. It’s a good feeling when you watch all your students pass but nothing compares to the pride of having them call you their teacher. It will always be Mrs. Maresca who led the way for not just me but my friend Lizzie and the rest of the creative writing Maresca troop that we call our teacher the one who opened eyes and doors to each of us.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

cool tools for school
Write it is a website for young writers to be able to post their own works of creative writing and publish it. As well as be able to read others, and get feedback on their own works thereby making their writing better. for it's purpose in the classroom id use it in order to have them be able to share their works with others which is especially what I want. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

KONY 2012

start the movement
don't just stand by

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

power ponit

It is time to try and catch up a bit as I realized I never went over my power point. well my project I based off a lesson my English teacher did and showed me, but I took my own twist. I essentially created a game show with interactive sounds and displays to entice the students to learn about what they are being shown. Using a hyperlink key action I was able to create button choices and have the correct answer link to the next slide. The problems I ran into are, I feel I may have made it too fun and not enough of a lesson portion, and I feel it is just one of those struggles we as educators must face every lesson we do. finding a proper yin to the yang so to speak.